Every time I read something about Caroline Flack my heart feels a little heavier. Not because I'm an avid fan but because this was a completely preventable death.
Mental health is spoken about now more than ever but people still don’t seem to be aware of the ramifications of their actions?
The media are capitalising on people’s lives, they will tear people down and kick them down while they are at their lowest just to get a story.
Nowadays people are guilty until proven innocent rather than innocent until proven guilty. The media and public play judge, jury and prosecution and decide who is guilty without any concrete facts and before any form of trial has begun.
There is something seriously wrong with society nowadays when people get some sort of thrill in trolling and making other people’s lives hell. Excuses will be made for their ‘flippant remarks’ and think that it won’t ‘harm anyone’. You never know what is going on behind closed doors and that one careless comment could push them over the edge. Most of these culprits would never say these things to someone’s face, so why do they feel that it is perfectly acceptable for them to be said online?
When are people going to realise that their words have gravity? Their opinions hold weight? And that these people are real people with real feelings, they aren’t robots where the insults and ridicule just bounce off them.
Something needs to give, how many more preventable fatalities have to happen before people start thinking about their actions and something is done?
"Why can’t we all love a little deeper, laugh a little louder and hold the ones you love a little tighter. Because tomorrow is never promised."
Love Charlotte
The rants, quips and anecdotes of a twenty-something year old