After a number of different friends spoke about a new addictive Netflix series I was curious to see what was so special about it. After the first episode I was completely hooked and after binge-watching it over a weekend I had finished the series.
13 Reasons Why delves into the dark side of teenage life and tackles the most 'taboo' subjects of society, from suicide to drink driving, sexual assault to 'slut' shaming, revenge porn to bullying. The series starts with a teenage girl, Hannah Baker, having killed herself and leaves behind a series of 13 cassette tapes. Each tape addresses a different person who she felt was instrumental in her death, the tapes are passed from culprit to culprit giving them reasons as to why she blames them. As the series goes on it unpicks the heartbreaking and harrowing events in Hannah's life, which the producers have portrayed with such honesty and sensitivity.
Here are 13 reasons why you should watch this show:
1) It's got everyone talking
With mental health on the rise especially among young people it seems crazy that mental health and suicide is still a subject that none of us talk about. The series openly shows the dangers of teenage suicide and how others around them are often unaware of the warning signs. Hannah slowly loses her friends, begins to isolate herself from others around her, she changes her appearance drastically and her grades at school slip. She does cry out for help numerous times but they are ignored.
2) The cast
The book was originally supposed to be adapted as a movie with Selena Gomez starring as the lead role of Hannah Baker. Once they changed it into a series Selena Gomez took a step back and decided to take the role of an executive producer of the project. She perceived that a recognisable face may overshadow and take away from the importance of the story line.
3) It discusses and challenges 'taboo' subjects
The series openly and candidly addresses the 'taboo' subjects of society such as bullying, teenage suicide, sexual assault and depression. Throughout the series there are two rape scenes that take place, both of which have a major impact on Hannah. The producers show that rape can happen to anyone and that speaking about it is always the best way to face it.
4) The realness
13 reasons why sensitively touches on subjects but also there is a realness to them. No hollywood glamour has been added to the series, it's gritty and raw.
5) Educational
This series can help educate people on subjects that they may not have any knowledge on unless they have been through it themselves. Sadness and depression can often be mistaken for one another, however depression is something much more critical. As well as educating someone on the signs of depression it can also help people understand what to do if they are in are in a serious situation. One main theme that runs through the series is how Hannah's school completely failed her, she tried reaching out to numerous staff members at the school however she was poorly advised and neglected by these professionals.
6) Detail
The show never turns its focus away from the controversial topics of bullying, depression, sexual assault and suicide. It certainly doesn't shy away addressing the smallest of details and doesn't sugar coat these issues.
7) You are not alone
This story could potentially help someone and ensure them that they are not alone.
8) Captivates the audience
There are so many twists and turns in the show which captivates the audience. The storyline delves into all the characters lives and gives their perspectives rather than just from the main character. The highly addictive show leaves the audience wondering what the next reason could be.
9) Relatable characters
You are guaranteed to relate to at least one of the characters in the series, whether it be the socially awkward Clay, the lost Jessica, the helpless Baker parents or Hannah herself.
10) Changing people's perceptions
Hopefully after watching 13 reasons why some people's perceptions on mental health will have changed. Too many make ignorant comments or judgements but are completely uneducated on the subjects.
11) Generational bullying
The bullying that Hannah receives throughout the show is relentless. Bullying is no longer just limited to the 'playground', there are now different manifestations of bullying which more often than not happens online. This is displayed various times throughout the series; from when pictures of Hannah's body are shared among her classmates through text messages to verbal gossip. 13 reasons why highlights the inherent problems with bullying and shows that for the technology-centric society we live in nowadays there is almost nowhere to hide. This story will educate people of the different covert methods that are being used nowadays.
12) The producers
The producers address the main subjects with such honesty and sensitivity, they have shown how taboo the topic of suicide actually is in society. Even in the scenes leading up to, during and after Hannah's death they didn't mask any of the gut-wrenching pain that goes with suicide.
13) Emotion
This storyline takes the audience on a rollercoaster of emotions, get your tissues ready!
The book was published ten years ago (2007) which would make technology more advanced than tape recorders however the writer intentionally did this to create more of an intimate atmosphere for both the characters and readers.
Despite the dark subjects that is addressed throughout the series, beneath this lies a really sweet storyline between Hannah and Clay's characters and the will they/won't they. The author and producers have created a conversational piece which will educate people on the more taboo subjects of society that do not get spoken about.
Love Charlotte
The rants, quips and anecdotes of a twenty-something year old