I came across a forum on a website discussing an article called '18 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I Was 18' written by Marc Chernoff. It got me thinking about what advice I would give my 18-year-old self. I came up with these 18 things:
Gossip with your friends
If you're feeling down, upset or angry ... talk to someone! Don't let everyone else's problems pile up on top of you without talking your own through with someone. Like the old saying goes 'a problem shared is a problem halved'.
Get rid of toxic emotions
Feeling jealous and threatened by people purely because of your insecurities isn't healthy and is just destructive, let go of them!
Mistakes are a way of life
Embrace them and then move on. Don't torture yourself over them.
You may not be able to forget but at least forgive, if only for your own sake. Holding onto the past and harboring resentment can not only be destructive but also detrimental. Don't dwell on how others have hurt you, allow those feelings to slip away otherwise it will have an adverse affect later on in life.
Ask for help
Don't be embarrassed or afraid to ask for help - The people that surround you want to help!
Don't be afraid to try new things
Don't let certain insecurities or people hold you back.
Be kind to yourself
Be it psychically or mentally, look after and be kind to yourself. Your older self will thank you for it!
Get off Social Media!
Social media isn't the be all and end all. Stop focusing on your popularity through likes and comments on statuses and pictures! Not everybody needs to know your life story... Or what you had for dinner! Life is for living tp the fullest rather than measuring it on likes, shares, comments and tweets. Don't make it an integral part of your daily routine.
Choose your battles wisely
Take a step back, breathe and ask yourself whether it's worth it.
Be yourself
Don't change for anyone. Don't dumb yourself down for a guy, males find intelligence a desirable quality in females. Don't let anyone tell you who you are ... they are wrong!
Get out of toxic situations
If something is no longer serving a purpose in your life and is beneficial to you then get rid of it....Don't be afraid to and you never know it could be the best thing you could possibly do! Know when to walk away.
What are you waiting for?
Don't give up on things...you'll only live to regret it later! Take up french or piano again!
Don't rush things
Why rush to find a boyfriend? Don't settle for someone just because you like the idea of having someone there more than you actually like them! You don't need a relationship to make you feel complete.
Make your own decisions
You don't have to do what everyone else is doing. Just because all of your friends may be going down a certain career path, going to uni or choosing to settle down doesn't mean that you have to go down the same route! Choose what you want to do otherwise these decisions could come with consequences later on in life.
Cherish your friends
Seems like an obvious bit of advice but try not getting too bogged down in all the c**p and neglect friends that have been there for you and seen you through hard times.
Stop trying to plan everything out
You can't plan your life out. Life is full of unexpected things and it won't go the way it's suppose to. Also stop worrying about EVERYTHING! As the old cliche saying goes 'Que Sera Sera' - What will be will be'
Be a nice and decent person
As cliche as it sounds - you should treat others how you want to be treated yourself. You never know the struggles that someone is going through ... so a smile, holding the door open or even offering your seat ion the bus to someone might just make someones day, you never know!
It's not the end of the world
Whatever terrible thing you are going through it will pass. You will go through tough times and you will come out the other side stronger than ever.
Love Charlotte
The rants, quips and anecdotes of a twenty-something year old
(Based on http://www.marcandangel.com/2010/06/21/18-things-i-wish-someone-told-me-when-i-was-18/)