I felt compelled to write a piece after the tragic events of this weekend, not only in Paris but other parts of the world as well. 24 hours and we lost 115, 200 heartbeats.
❤️ #prayforparis - Synchronised Terror Attacks
❤️ #paryforbeirut - Bombing
❤️ #prayforbaghdad - Funeral Bombed
❤️ #prayforlebanon - Bombing
❤️ #prayforjapan - Earthquake
❤️ #prayformexico - Earthquake
These were innocent people going about their lives and enjoying the start to their weekend, not knowing the indescribable events that would unfold before them. I find it hard to comprehend that any God would condone such appalling and disgusting acts which brings so much destruction and devastation amongst families as well as nations. This will be yet another struggle that Islam and Muslims have to face, due to this group claiming to represent this religion. People try to make sense of these vile acts but we are trying to make sense of a group that are completely unreasonable and irrational.

I hope the horrendous events of this weekend is a wake up call to the governments all over the world that something needs doing about this dreadful group. People are calling for tighter border control measures and yes, whilst this will help stop a fair few members coming over, some will slip through the net. This is also going on the assumption that we do not have any ISIS members already in the country, which as much as it terrifies me to say...I think we already do. Also ISIS are recruiting members all over the world using mass and social media which means gaining access to people all over the world is becoming all the more easier.

I thought it was a touching tribute that so many countries around the world changed their lights on landmark sights to replicate the French flag. I found myself quite confused how a few people were moaning and finding a negative in people sharing stories and changing their profile pictures on social media to the French flag. No, it's not going to stop terrorism and no, it's not going to stop ISIS but what it DOES do is show that we are all standing up together against terrorism, is a sign of respect towards the victims and maybe even brings a little sense of comfort and support towards the victims families. I'm struggling to find where there is a negative in that....?

We are all sending our love and support to the victims and their families that were affected by these horrifying attacks. We are all thinking of you.
Love Charlotte
The rants, quips and anecdotes of a twenty-something year old